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Welcome to Juniques Seniors!!!!
Where there are many Opportunities for
Personal and Professional Growth

The next time someone asks “Why You?” imagine being able to say: “I am a trained professional with a certificate from the International Association of Professions Career College.” With IAP Career College you can earn a certificate in your dream career for an affordable price. You can schedule your learning around your life and earn a certificate in as little as 4 weeks part-time from the comfort of your own home

Join Juniques National Team offering beauty cosmetics for women of color
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Become A Home Based Consultant

Attention: healthcare providers from home health, home care, senior living, skilled nursing and hospice need to share this info
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) 
Helping people share their wishes for care through the end of life.
Caregiving in the U.S. 2020
How caregiving is impacting multi cultural communities

Are You Ready to be a Caregiver

Policy Brief: The Older Americans Act 
and Supporting Family Caregivers
Older Americans Act Reauthorization is Critical 
to Family Caregivers in Every Community 
June 2024

Hire Family As Paid Caregiver 
Get Home Care W/ Medicaid
Funded by Medicaid, FreedomCare allows people to choose who provides their care – the caregiver gets paid instantly after their shift.

  Juniques Seniors composed of: The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (76-93 years old),
  Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (57-75 years old)   and   Generation X:  Born 1965-1980 (41-56 years old)

Our primary focus is on the BabyBoomer Generation. (Born 1946-1964)
Starting in 2011,  10000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 today,
That will continue to happen every day until 2029.

10000 more people will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years. 
Most will not be Financially Ready to have a prosperous lifestyle.
Juniques Seniors S.E.E.D program to change that by providing useable services
that will increase the earning power of this group!!!!

In reality, we are a youth-obsessed country, which is a testimony that marketing works.

The sad news is people forget ( and some fight with a passion) that getting older is NATURAL.
Though that is a blessing many treat it like it is not!!!

The number of Seniors who have been given up on by our youth-obsessed society, which is reflected by corporations who end people's productive years way too soon, is too large.
Well, long story short, we recognize the vast resource these seasoned individuals bring to the table and want to help those who want to help themselves.
I strongly believe, the right home based business, can assist these folks, regain a productive lifestyle.
I strongly believe that we can make a difference.

I also realize that Senior has issues that other seniors can relate to ,that younger folk
may miss and do more harm than good.   So this is one of our objectives,

                                      Helping More Seniors have a Productive and Rewarding Life.
                                                      I encourage you to join this objective.
                  Check out the Senior Economic Empowerment Development ( S.E.E.D  )program
More to follow.
Networkingly yours,

Your Age is Your Greatest Asset

JMCC Senior Economic Empowerment
Development Program

Juniques Multi Cultural Connections (JMCC), a company of Juniques LLC, is on a mission to empower seniors through their Senior Empowerment Economic  Development Program (S.E.E.D).

This program aims to provide this underappreciated group with numerous financial improvement options, recognizing that without choices, seniors are left with circumstances and situations.

The program is specifically designed to offer a wide range of personal improvement services at an affordable cost, starting with a membership enrollment fee of just $10 per month.

This membership grants seniors access to a host of other juniques multi cultural connections services, all of  which provide discounts ranging from 20% to 40%.

Additionally available, when applicable, are discounts and rebates from our recommended companies. 

S.E.E.D. deeply believes in providing a realistic path for seniors to acquire new skills and enhance their existing ones. The program acknowledges that seniors possess valuable assets in the form of their age and experience.

Age should not be seen as a hindrance but as a valuable resource that can be utilized to maintain independence and personal growth.

Independence is something to strive for, but it is essential to acquire and develop the necessary skills to truly sustain it. S.E.E.D. emphasizes the importance of not going it alone on the journey to success.

The road to nowhere is surely traveled alone, but the road to success is best navigated with the support of those who have already made the journey.

JMCC understands the unique needs and challenges faced by seniors and aims to address these by providing a comprehensive range of services and resources.

These include financial planning assistance, educational resources, access to job opportunities, entrepreneurship training, health and wellness counseling, social engagement activities, and much more.

The S.E.E.D. program operates on the principle that financial improvement is not a one-size-fits-all solution. JMCC recognizes that each individual has different goals, aspirations, and circumstances.

Therefore, the program offers tailored options, ensuring that seniors can choose the services that best fit their needs and desired outcomes.

Through the S.E.E.D. program, JMCC aims to empower seniors to take control of their financial well-being and personal growth. By providing affordable access to a wide variety of services and resources, they create opportunities for seniors to thrive and live fulfilling lives.

Juniques Multi Cultural Connections and their S.E.E.D. program stand as a beacon of support and encouragement for seniors.

With their dedication to providing affordable services, advocating for personal growth, and fostering a strong community,JMCC is transforming the lives of seniors and empowering them to make informed choices and lead independent, successful lives.
S.E.E.D program members will recieve applicable discounts to:
juniques micro and small business consulting
juniques personal development consulting
as we identify more requested services, they will be included in access membership


Get your monthly membership for only $10 per month
you can cancel at any time. 

JMCC S.E.E.D Access Membership  Program $10 per month includes:
Every month one or more service(s) will have a rebate value
assigned and you will save
even more money on our fantastic services. 
You will receive superior discounts on all services/products
offered by Juniques companies.

Your Age is  Your Greatest Asset

The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) envisions a world in which individuals have the financial knowledge they need to fully participate in the economy and build secure futures. In working toward that vision, GFLEC has positioned itself as the world’s leading incubator for financial literacy research, policy, and solutions.
GFLEC launched in 2011 at the George Washington University School of Business in Washington, D.C. Since then, it has pioneered breakthrough tools to measure financial literacy, developed and advised on educational programs, and crafted policy guidelines aimed at advancing financial knowledge in the United States and around the globe. In recognition of GFLEC’s contribution to improving financial literacy in the United States, Barron’s recognized the center as a “Barron’s Celebrates 2020: Financial Empowerment” honoree. Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC)
The George Washington University    School of Business
Duquès Hall, Suite 450    2201 G Street NW     Washington, D.C. 20052
P: 202-994-7148      E:

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We have a lot of great options for you. 

JMCC Senior Economic Empowerment Development Program


Continue Learning Continue Growing!!!

Earn a Certificate in your favorite subject.
Many at no cost or low cost!!!

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